Thought of a First Time Vlogger

Creating content is not easy. It is very difficult. Making the intro video for my PJ Morton Concert footage was very tiring. Getting the right lighting left me so confused. I was in the house and all I kept asking myself was "how do these people on YouTube do this all the time? How does... Continue Reading →

PJ Morton Concert in Toronto

I recently went to a PJ Morton Concert and had an amazing time. Im a big fan since 2009. His song Mountain and Molehills helped me move on after the 2008 recession shattered a lot of dreams I had for my life. These lyrics hit my heart "Stop the excuses, don't believe the liesMake up... Continue Reading →

The Dilemma of Supporting Your Own

How many times in your life have you heard a fellow Ghanaian say this, “I don’t go to Ghanaian owned stores”, I don’t let Ghanaian’s do my taxes, they can’t be trusted”, “I don’t go to Ghanaian churches they are so fake” and the list could go on and on and on. If you could... Continue Reading →

Awurade, It’s Wedding Season!!

  Here in Toronto, it's summer and the weather is nice. For Ghanaians that means one thing, WEDDING SEASON. Once the sun is out for longer than 3 hours my fellow Ghanaians get their kente or all white garments ready to celebrate weddings whether they are traditional or white (aka church) weddings.  We will leave... Continue Reading →

Work on Being MORE Black

I was born in Italy. My parents are from Ghana. We came to Canada when I was very young. I grew up listening to different genres of music like rock, country, gospel, roots rock reggae and different types of music from Ghana. But Hip Hop wasn't on the top of the list in my house... Continue Reading →

Why Ghana?

Me with my portable fan. When in Ghana you need a fan keep you cool. I'm never jealous. I don't covet what others have. I believe that what's mine will find me in due time. I am always happy for others. But there is one thing that makes me jealous no matter how hard I... Continue Reading →

Where Have You Been?

Girl, we thought we would have to get a search party for you. I am so sorry that I "disappeared" for such a long time. Five years is so long that I have no idea if anyone is still around. I left in such a rude way. I gave you one recap of MTV Shuga... Continue Reading →

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